Frequently Asked Questions :
Which kind of encryption does JMail use ?
The profile password is hashed using the SHA1 algorithme,
and the mail password is crypted using Blowfish.
Hey, JMail is terribly slow when handling with a POP server !
Yes, I'm aware of this fact :(
Indeed, I developped JMail using
a local mail server, and I used mainly IMAP. So this is the main
reason for the difference of JMail's quickness between IMAP and POP.
But I will work on this nearly, promised.
I noticed that, when I launch some games (Windows), JMail crashes.
And I can find weird error logs in JMail directory then.
Yes, it seems to be a compatibility problem with DirectX (a Java problem,
not a JMail one).. I haven't yet
had a deep look at it, but I just added it in the Todo-list ;)
I use JDK 1.3 and I don't want to use 1.4. Can I use JMail ?
Yes, you just need to remove ProgressWindow class and lines in
"" and "" which are using it...
There is also a problem with Locale class : the constructor used
Locale(String language) was not present in 1.3. You have to modify calls to use
Locale(String language, String country) instead : add "fr" for french, "uk" or "us"
for english, "es" for spanish...
Why is it named JMail ?
Because I needed to name it and I hadn't any idea : indeed, I
named it "JavaMail", but one of the API used is actually "Javamail",
so I can't use it. At the beginning, as it was a school project,
the main class was called "TP" (think it as "Homework" ;)) ! And,
it is named JMail, where J stands for Java and Mail because it is
a mail software.
If you got a better name, please mail me it...
Isn't it a bit ambitious to write a mail software as homework ? Which
school asks it ?
At the beginning, the aim of the project was simply to write some
in-line applications allowing basic operations. But as I found this
project quite interesting, I chose to add a GUI and some features.
When the homework was over, I decided to continue it and to upload
it on the net.
This soft has been developped while I was in "Licence
Professionnelle, Concepteur-Integrateur de Systeme Internet-Intranet",
at the Charlemagne IUT, Nancy.
Why do you write JMail in Java ?
First, as I already mentionned it, it was a school project, so the
language was imposed (the main purpose was to learn Javamail API)..
And I must say that I *love* Java, event if it is quite slow, due
to his portability.
Finally, making complex GUI is quite simple in Java.
Why can't I create subfolders in JMail ?
As it is said in the Todo-list, there are still some problems with
some servers, but I expect to solve it next.
JMail doesn't handle this and doesn't allow that ! Why ?
Have a look at the Todo-list : if this feature is mentionned, then
I will probably implement it next. If no, drop me a mail :)
When using JMail on some platforms (Linux on PC, for example), the
Windows Look & Feel appears grayed. Why ?
The answer is because of the law : the Windows L&F (at least, the
classes) is in JDK, but isn't supported on others systemes than
Windows. When started, JMail tests every L&F which are available and
grays the unsupported one. The Mac L&F is only available on Mac (and
the MacOs X L&F only on MacOsX), while Metal and Motif are universal.
And, yes, there are ways to avoid this unavailability ;)